- Ugandan soldiers (top right) relaxing in a bombed-out structure at the Uruba hotel AMISOM base.
Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011 - Ugandan soldiers sitting and relaxing in the work-out area at the Uruba Hotel AMISOM base.
Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011 - A bullet mark in the reinforced bullet-proof window of a Casper-armoured vehicle. In March 2007, the African Union sanctioned an 8000-strong force (currently 9000) made up mainly of Ugandan and Burundian troops to prop up the weak Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) against the threat of the Islamic extremist group, Al-Shabaab. From a tiny area around Aden Ade International Airport in Mogadishu, AMISOM forces have slowly pushed Al-Shabaab back and now control most of the capital city. Mogadishu, Somalia 2011.
- AMISOM soldiers on patrol in a Casper-armoured vehicle on the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011.
- A Ugandan AMISOM soldier puts on his protective helmet in the back of a Casper-armoured vehicle.
Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011. - Ugandan AMISOM soliders relax at the Aden Adde international airport AMISOM base in the back of a Casper-armoured vehicle. Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011.
- A wounded Burundian AMISOM soldier being prepared for medivac to Nairobi from Aden Adde International airport in
Mogadishu. Somalia, 2011. - A wounded Burundian AMISOM soldier being prepared for medivac to Nairobi from Aden Adde International airport in
Mogadishu. Somalia, 2011. - Three wounded Burundian AMISOM soldiers receiving treatment at the AMISOM base at headquarters at Aden Adde
International Airport in Mogadishu. Somalia, 2011. - Ugandan and Burundian AMISOM soldiers pray at a Sunday church service in a makeshift tent at the main headquarters at the Aden Adde international airport in Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011.
- A Ugandan AMISOM soldier in full military uniform at Uruba Hotel AMISOM base. In March 2007, the African Union sanctioned an 8000-strong force (currently 9000) made up mainly of Ugandan and Burundian troops to prop up the weak Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) against the threat of the Islamic extrimist group, Al-Shabaab. From a tiny area around Aden Ade International Airport in Mogadishu, AMISOM forces have slowly pushed Al-Shabaab back and now control most of the capital city. Mogadishu, Somalia. 2011
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